Share this postGOOD MUSIC[Alt/Indie] Eyedress x 1999 Write The Future / Bob Vylan / Youth Lagoon / Katy Kirby / Sleater Kinney / The Soft Moon / Brausepöter / Richard Reed Parry x Little Scream / SprintsCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore[Alt/Indie] Eyedress x 1999 Write The Future / Bob Vylan / Youth Lagoon / Katy Kirby / Sleater Kinney / The Soft Moon / Brausepöter / Richard Reed Parry x Little Scream / SprintsAll Killers No Fillers.Jan 08, 2024Share this postGOOD MUSIC[Alt/Indie] Eyedress x 1999 Write The Future / Bob Vylan / Youth Lagoon / Katy Kirby / Sleater Kinney / The Soft Moon / Brausepöter / Richard Reed Parry x Little Scream / SprintsCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreShareSubscribeYou can find all the tracks from these Musicvideos in a Spotify-Playlist (which I should update once in a while).Read my Newsletter about AI, the Psychology of Social Media, Art and Culture and everything else at GOOD INTERNET.SUPPORT // Patreon / Steady / Paypal / SpreadshirtT-Shirts from Latent Space: Shirts featuring AI generated weirdness.😶PreviousNext